Why Connect Fibre?

Step into the world of Connect Fibre, where we redefine your broadband experience with faster speeds, fairer prices, and flawless service.

Experience limitless possibilities with our blazing-fast full fibre broadband. Stream, chat, work and game without interruption, enjoying guaranteed speeds that keep you connected flawlessly.

Two downwards pointing arrow heads next to two upwards pointing arrow heads. Bottom arrows are in yellow.
Same upload and download speeds
Speedometer indicating the speed is fast and the top half is highlighted yellow
Guaranteed speeds
Yellow infinity loop
Unlimited usage

29x faster download 6

111x faster upload 6

We believe in transparent pricing. Our commitment ensures that both new and loyal customers receive the same great deals, free from unexpected surprises.

A pound sign next to an upwards pointing arrow both contained in a circle with a line through it
No hidden fees
Three bars get increasingly taller from left to right and the third bar which is tallest is yellow and has an arrow head and sits upon a black circle with a yellow X in it.
No mid-contract price hikes
A yellow landline phone receiving a call
No phone required

Free install and setup

No loyalty penalty 2

Our UK-based dream team is on hand, ready to handle your every need. With free installation and expert router placement in the home, we ensure Wi-Fi magic from day one!

two speech bubbles one is yellow one is white.
Proactive support
A cross section on a cable which has 5 yellow dots in it and the writing "5x" above it
5x more reliable 7
A yellow Connect Fibre router with the CF logo in it receiving signals
Free expert installation

"Excellent" rated on Trustpilot

UK-based customer support

Experience limitless possibilities with our blazing-fast full fibre broadband. Stream, chat, work and game without interruption, enjoying guaranteed speeds that keep you connected flawlessly.

Two downwards pointing arrow heads next to two upwards pointing arrow heads. Bottom arrows are in yellow.
Same upload and download speeds
Speedometer indicating the speed is fast and the top half is highlighted yellow
Guaranteed speeds
Yellow infinity loop
Unlimited usage

29x faster download 6

111x faster upload 6

We believe in transparent pricing. Our commitment ensures that both new and loyal customers receive the same great deals, free from unexpected surprises.

A pound sign next to an upwards pointing arrow both contained in a circle with a line through it
No hidden fees
Three bars get increasingly taller from left to right and the third bar which is tallest is yellow and has an arrow head and sits upon a black circle with a yellow X in it.
No mid-contract price hikes
A yellow landline phone receiving a call
No phone required

Free install and setup

No loyalty penalty 2

Our UK-based dream team is on hand, ready to handle your every need. With free installation and expert router placement in the home, we ensure Wi-Fi magic from day one!

two speech bubbles one is yellow one is white.
Proactive support
A cross section on a cable which has 5 yellow dots in it and the writing "5x" above it
5x more reliable 7
A yellow Connect Fibre router with the CF logo in it receiving signals
Free expert installation

"Excellent" rated on Trustpilot

UK-based customer support

*To cancel or cease you service, you must give us 30 days' notice

**Social tariff customers will receive Wi-Fi 6 routers while stocks last

1 Basic Essentials is available to recipients of any of the following benefits Income Support Pension Credit, Incomore-related Job Seekers Allowance (JSA), Housing Benefit, Personal Independence Payment, Disability Benefit, Attendance Allowance, Universal Credit, Care Leavers Support, or Income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA). Simply send proof clearly showing your name and address and most recent payment for a qualifying benefit. If you stop receiving a benefit, you'll need to let us know as soon as possible. If this means you are no longer eligible for Basic Essentials, we’ll let you know 30 days in advance of ending it – but we’ll always consider your situation before we do this and let you know all your available options.

2 Unlike other providers, we won’t penalise you for loyalty. When you renew your contract, you don’t pay any more than a new customer would.

3 Ofcom Supercharging investment in fibre broadband 8th Jan 2020. Full Fibre broadband is 5x more reliable that standard copper or fibre to the cabinet (FTTC) broadband.  

4 Guaranteed speeds are to the Connect Fibre router and not over Wi-Fi.

5 Trustpilot reviews and ratings comparison taken from Trustpilot website and correct as of 01/11/24.

6Source Ofcom home report 2023. Average download speed 69.4Mbps. Average Upload speed 18.1Mbps)