Setting up parental controls on your home Wi-Fi
Setting up parental controls on your home Wi-Fi
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Parental controls can be a great way to ensure that your children are safe online. You can set up parental controls on your home Wi-Fi network and also on devices like mobile phones and tablets.

Parental controls can help with security and protect your family online

Good news! You can easily add parental controls to your home Wi-Fi. That way, you can keep your family safe online and make sure they're not exposed to harmful content. If you're a Connect Fibre customer, it couldn't be easier. The instructions are just here. If you don't have one of our Wi-Fi 6 routers with 4x more speed, superior range and capacity and battery saving for your devices, it's still easy to do:

  • Go to the settings page of your router
  • Scroll down and find "Parental Controls" (or another security setting)
  • Click or tap it. This will bring up a list of devices connected to your Wi-Fi network, including laptops, phones and tablets that have their own parental control settings (like iPhones). Click or tap on each device you want to set up with different levels of security—the most secure options are at the top—and then click or tap Save Settings when you're done!

Some devices, like mobile phones and tablets, have their own parental control settings

Some devices, like mobile phones and tablets, have their own parental controls. You can use these settings to block or allow apps, games and websites on your device. You can also set time restrictions on the device. You may want to set a passcode lock so your kids don’t spend too much time playing games or watching videos on their phone or tablet.

A Family Contract can help young people understand good online behaviour

A Family Contract can help young people understand good online behaviour. It's a great way to set boundaries and expectations, and also helps them understand what is acceptable online behaviour. A family contract can also be used to set up parental controls on your home Wi-Fi.

Parental controls will keep your family safe online

Parental controls are a way to set limits on the internet, so you can make sure your family stays safe when they're online.

Your home Wi-Fi is where most of your devices connect to the internet and send out data, so you'll want to start setting up parental controls there. At Connect Fibre, you'll get a Wi-Fi 6 or Wi-Fi 6 Pro router, installed for free by one of our experts. Not only do these routers give you 4x more capacity and 50% more range, they also allow for easy navigation of the parental controls. All you have to do is download the app and you can access everything from there.

You can also set up parental controls on individual devices, like smartphones and tablets. Some routers even come with their own parental control settings that you can use without any additional software or hardware.

Setting up different levels of security on individual devices is great because it gives you more granular control over how secure each device should be—for example, if your kids are old enough to have their own phone but not old enough for total independence yet, then setting up different levels of security will allow them to have access to only certain apps while keeping their personal information secure from others' eyes.


We hope that this article has helped you understand how parental controls can keep your family safe online. If you want to find out more about how to set up parental controls on your home Wi-Fi, contact us today or enter your postcode to see if Connect Fibre is in your area.